Thursday, March 24, 2011

dedicated to the dog who tried to eat me today

Forgive the grammatical mistakes, as there are plenty:

Aici cainii sunt nebuni

Toate zile, marti pana luni
Fug dupa copii
Masinii, bunicii
Nu conteaza deloc ce le spuni

Le place gustul de oameni
Spun eu, ''pa pa, prieteni!"
Nu m-au mancat azi
Dar daca tu cazi
Aminteste: nu scapa nimeni

"Dar ce frumosii sunt cainii!"
Stiu! Asa sunt si ursii
Dar le va fi foame
Vor carne, nu poame
Pai acum le cunosc suspectii...

Which means something like:

The dogs here are crazy
Every day, Tuesday through Monday
They run after kids,
Cars, the grandparents!
It doesn't matter at all what you say to them

They like the taste of men
I say: "Bye, friends!"
They didn't eat me today
But if you fall
Remember: no one escapes!

"But dogs are so cute!"
I know! Bears are too!
But they'll be hungry
They want meat, not berries
Well at least I'll know the suspects...

1 comment:

  1. very good Sara, as i can see you are inspired by Romania, that is a good thing.. i liked espacially those two verses: " But if you fall / Remember: no one escapes!". i don't know why, but here, dogs can feel if you are afraid of you become a meal for sure :)
