Tuesday, August 18, 2009

july twentieth

july twentieth

The best way to end a night goes something like this: ready to go to bed, pretty tired, came downstairs after a meeting I was in and packed along the stairs and all on the floor of this tiny foyer are young people, Romanians and Americans, having an impromptu worship session. I could hear Romanian and English being sung out at the same time so that I could hardly make anything of it, but let me tell you, it was beautiful. When I think about that one song that goes ‘Oh God let us be a generation that seeks, seeks your face oh God of Jacob,’ it’s exactly like tonight. A generation in there just praising God, just seeking him, and the only thing that matters at all with them being Romanians and us Americans is how much more beautiful it makes it, how much more it reflects God.

And then walking back to our cabin—stars from the top of the mountains all the way up. What’s neat about being this far north—and it’s interesting that being this high in altitude hasn’t affected it—is how late and early the sun goes down and up. It was 10:30 or so and there was still glow on the mountains like the sun had gone down within half an hour or so. And then after our all-nighter on the train we watched it rise over the tracks and it was light for a while before it actually rose, the moon and stars really bright against the sky, the whole thing already lit up purple-pink.

This language is growing on me and this place is too. It’s beautiful in these mountains and I wonder about staying. I feel like I couldn’t, but there’s something in me that I think will always be holding the sounds of the language and worshiping together and how the sky keeps lighting up, nothing but glow. It’s amazing how quickly this turned, how much God has blessed me already.


  1. Beautiful, both the description and the content.

  2. thank you =) i just wish i had some way of letting you hear it.

  3. (the way the romanians were always singing, i mean)
