Thursday, December 17, 2009

habakkuk 1:5

I'm sitting here listening to music on shuffle, and just now Chris Tomlin's song God of This City just started to play, and my stomach is somewhere by my feet. I don't think I've heard this song since I used it in a slideshow I made for fundraising for the Romania trip, and while Mighty to Save was the song I first associated with all of that, I don't know. It's the words, it's the sounds of a song I haven't heard since before I went, when that country was to me some pictures I'd found on google and what I imagined cities post-Communism to be like, mostly images from We the Living. I didn't know that country, and still I don't, but what I did know was completely intangible because what's a statistic numbering Evangelical Christians in Romania next to a group of Romanian students singing out to God because they love him, because they only want give glory to him?

This is messy, it's not well-articulated or punctuated, but I'm thinking of how I saw God moving in those students, in a church in Bucharest, and the words are exactly it. "You're the God of this city, you're the King of these people, you're the Lord of this nation." And "for greater things have yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city."

"There is no one like our God."

There's a verse I read earlier today and I've been sending it to everyone, and it's amazing how it's exactly this: "Look at the nations and watch--and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days you would not believe, even if you were told." Hab. 1:5

If there's one thing God continues to do, no matter what my situation is, it's amaze me. Just blow me away. He's always doing it, and sometimes all I can do is sit there and turn my hands out and think, whoa. This is a God who loves his children. Who's promised them hope and a future, who hides them in the shadow of his hand. Really, there is no one like our God.


  1. Wow!!! I just love the way you write about Romania and the memories and impressions that you continue to share about your experience here. I am very impressed... I guess the person I am mostly impressed with is God and how he touched your heart through your mission trip to Romania, but also with you and your heart for the people that you met here.
    I was also very surprised to read that you used the song God of This City for your fund-raising presentation. When we had Freshmen Night at OSCEB, Raluca, who was in charge of the event, asked me to make a presentation of student movement in Bucharest. I made a short film and for the background I used the song you used.
    Hmmm... I guess we feel alike in this perspective.
    I am sure that we are yet to see God do great things in both of our countries. I still think that HE will do amazing things in America. I don't think it's of no importance that many of the greatest theologians have written and preached in America.
    Irrespective of all this, one day, we will all be one great nation, the nation that belongs to the King of Glory!!!
    May His name always be blessed!

  2. amen to that =) the first time i ever heard that song it was at church, and they did a slide show with pictures from all over town, the river and the ocean and downtown, all that, with God of This City as the background. which reminds me of jeremiah 29:7 "Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare." but yeah, for sure he will, he is =)
